The Green Data Centre


Datacentres operate continuously throughout the year, and therefore with low external temperatures it is energetically convenient to use systems which have been designed to exploit these conditions; cooling systems with a free-cooling device are a typical solution.

Not only do these units have a lower energy consumption than traditional systems, they also limit the quantity of indirect CO² emissions into the atmosphere and, therefore, contribute to safeguarding the environment and reducing green house gases.

In conjunction with our solutions partner Schneider Uniflair - EAC has designed and developed a flexible air conditioning system approach which caters for large scale Server Farms to an upgrade of existing data equipment area

Uniflair Turbocor Chillers which as well as having high efficiency Turbocor Compressors can also incorporate Free Cooling making them the lowest Energy Chillers on the Marketplace

For Smaller Scale Projects the Leonardo Energy Saving Unit includes a Free Cooling Circuit which operates when the external temperatures are lower than the internal space temperature –unit can be as small as 10Kw and each unit operates as a stand-alone system.


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